Renting out vacation properties is a reliable way to earn some money on your real estate, especially along Florida’s attractive and busy Gulf of Mexico coast. In communities like Anna Maria Island, short-term rentals and vacation properties are numerous. Tourists and visitors prefer having the space, privacy, and customizable experiences that a private home can provide over a hotel. 

Because this part of the market has exploded in recent years, legislation has been passed to control and regulate the vacation rental industry. We’re taking a look at the legal aspects of renting out a vacation home in Anna Maria and surrounding communities. 

It’s also important to understand how essential a professional property manager can be. We know the local laws. We comply with them. We make sure your vacation property remains occupied with happy guests.  (more…)

No one likes to think about all of the things that can possibly go wrong with your vacation property. And, the worst will probably never happen. But, you want to be prepared for those unforeseen problems and potential crisis situations that could arise. This is Florida, after all, we spend about five or six months of every year wondering if a hurricane will head towards us. 

Owning a vacation rental property can be an exciting and profitable venture, giving you high nightly rates and the opportunity to create fantastic vacation experiences for your guests. There’s always risk involved, though, and the unexpected issues and problems that arrive from time to time need to be managed in a way that does not disrupt an otherwise smart investment. 

From surprise floods to last-minute cancellations, crisis management is an essential skill for vacation rental property owners. Your ability to quickly and effectively handle these situations not only salvages individual guest experiences but also safeguards your rental’s reputation long-term. 

We’ve been managing vacation properties in Florida for many years, and we’ve established some great emergency protocols and crisis resolution plans. Put some of our experience to good use and follow these recommendations. (more…)

The marketing materials that describe a vacation property must make some promises. It must promise a well-deserved vacation, lots of relaxation, and also the adventure and novelty that comes with discovering new places and spaces. 

The listing is often your first and best chance to connect on an emotional level with your potential guests. 

In Florida, the vacation rental market is competitive. Standing out from the crowd requires effort, creativity, and strategy. Whether you own a coastal cottage or a condo in the middle of town, the power of your photography and the story you tell with your description can be the difference between a full booking calendar and an empty home.

Let’s take a look at how to create a standout listing that will attract vacation guests to your property. (more…)

If you’re renting out a vacation property from somewhere other than the area where that vacation property is located, you’ll run into a few unique challenges that local property owners don’t have to worry about. 

The solution is pretty obvious: partner with a local property management company who can take cover the marketing, the turnovers, the maintenance, the cleaning, and all of the finances and follow-up. 

Professional property managers give you more than the services that are provided. You also get our experience and our expertise, which is difficult to quantify. We have the best relationships in place with vendors, contractors, and service providers. We understand the local market and the shifts in pricing and tenant demands. We know how to handle unexpected and difficult situations, such as hurricanes or beach closures. 

Managing any property long-distance is a challenge. Vacation rental management is even more challenging for out-of-state owners because of the frequent tenant turnover and the extra wear and tear that vacation properties suffer. 

For rental property owners who can’t simply take a short drive to handle issues, perform maintenance, or meet guests, we’re sharing some suggestions that can help you navigate these challenges.   (more…)

It’s a good time to own a short-term rental property. The vacation rental industry is strong right now, especially in a rental market like Florida, where there are rarely low seasons. We have vacationers and visitors flocking to our state all year long. When you want to earn high nightly rates with your investment property, rent it out to those tourists and visitors who stay for a few days, a week, or longer. 

While there is a lot of interest in short-term rentals among tenants, there’s also a lot of competition. As a property owner trying to increase profitability, you need innovative and effective marketing strategies to stand out and attract more guests. 

We have some great marketing strategies that will help you attract more guests to your rental. Here are some of the things you can do to immediately increase your visibility, enhance your rental home’s appeal, and ultimately fill your booking calendar. (more…)

People worldwide say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Are you ready to verify if it’s true? 

Whether at home or on vacation, a good breakfast can change the course of your day. If you are vacationing in Bradenton, Florida, there are many beaches and things to do in this culturally rich area. 

You need to keep your energy up by feasting on excellent meals – breakfast, to be precise. Fortunately, Bradenton has a wide selection of eateries, cafes, and restaurants that offer multi cuisine meals and breakfast options. 

Here is a list of the best breakfast places in Bradenton that you can visit to satisfy your hunger during your holiday! (more…)

Planning a vacation for yourself or a group requires much time, effort, and research. You need to decide on a location, take care of accommodation, prepare yourself for traveling, do a lot of shopping, prepare for emergencies, and ensure that you are 100% compliant with the local laws and regulations. 

You must consider even more factors if you travel with your pet! You need to choose an optimal destination for your pet, check the local laws, and take the necessary steps to ensure a positive experience for you and your pet. 

If this is your first time taking your pet on vacation to Anna Maria Island, here are a few tips that can help you: (more…)

Traveling anywhere is a unique experience as you witness the culture of a different place. There is a ton to explore, and you can benefit from opening yourself up to new adventures. 

However, when traveling to any location with your kids, you may have to conduct additional research about activities you can enjoy with children. Anna Maria Island can be a great destination to travel to if you have your kids with you. 

You can do many things with them on the island as it offers several kid-friendly activities – from kayaking and surfing to trips to historical locations and museums. 

Here are a few things to do on Anna Maria Island when traveling with kids:  (more…)

Bradenton is an area rich in culture and heritage where vacationers can find a unique blend of authenticity and an eclectic lifestyle. This location has a lot to offer, from Florida’s Spanish heritage to its scenic beaches. If you are a traveler who loves to explore, Bradenton has many local events you can enjoy. 

We have a list of the prominent local Bradenton events you can look forward to when planning your trip here in 2023. Let’s take a look. (more…)

Everyone traveling to Anna Maria Island wants to experience the island’s rich culture, pristine beaches and laid back vibe. There is a lot that this location offers to its visitors, like activities, adventures, museums, parks, trails and much more. 

However, traveling here during the peak season can be enjoyable but expensive since there is a constant influx of tourists. If you wish to save money on your vacation and enjoy all the island offers, here are the top five ways to save money when visiting Anna Maria Island (more…)